Should They Watch It?
Should They Watch It?
Ep. 37: Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
The Should They Watch It ladies are changing it up this week and dial the way back machine to 1994 to rewatch the Jim Carrey classic Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
Does it hold up?
In case you missed it, Ace Ventura is about an off-kilter pet detective who is on the case of a missing Miami Dolphins mascot named Snowflake. An early-career Courteney Cox is featured as his love interest, with rapper, Tone Loc, and superstar QB, Dan Marino, also dipping their toes in the acting pool. It’s peak mid-90’s high energy, slapstick Jim Carrey.
Laura remembers loving and quoting the movie as a kid along with her peers, while Kara, on the other hand had a very different opinion from day one! Early career comedy Jim Carrey was not her style, though both agree that, as a serious actor in movies like Eternal Sunshine and Truman Show, he was excellent. Kara recounts a story about her first date with an overly persistent wannabe Jim Carrey that ended in her walking out.
While the butt-talking still makes Laura laugh, and Kara’s son Michael finds it hysterical, there is round agreement that this one is frozen in time. For a PG-13 movie it does not translate to today’s culture, so neither would show it to their kids. In addition to sexual themes and vulgar language, the hosts note objectification of women, ableism, transphobia, and harmful messages about mental health. Ace also comes off unlikeable and at times overly mean-spirited!
In the end, this is a big NO from both hosts as they cannot recommend this show for young viewers, or for anyone in 2022 for that matter.
Side conversations:
Laura is a flavor saver, sticking her gum on the sides of cans if it has anything left to it. Kara is disgusted by her “gum slugs” and can’t deal. Laura explains her behavior away by saying that she spends half her time as a supermom and the rest as a 15-year-old boy. Kara wishes she could use her 45-year-old brain inside her 20-year-old body to raise her kids while on her dog’s sleep schedule.
A housecat in Australia is caught stealing toys from all over her neighborhood. Kara’s cat Simon does this same thing with socks and shoes and on one occasion showed up with a pair of Mickey Mouse house shoes. Simon also drops her findings in the food bowl inside the house which will elicit screeches from the male cat, Shuffle, who refuses to eat with them in there.
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The views and opinions expressed by the should they watch it podcast are those of two moms who happen to be a registered play therapist and a voice actor for cartoons. So while they may feel their opinions come from a knowledgeable place, they are still in fact just opinions. Should they watch it? A podcast that takes the task of reviewing your kid's favorite shows up your to do list Hello and welcome to this should they watch a podcast I'm Kara Edwards I
Laura Orr:am Laura Orr and apparently I'm disgusting.
Kara Edwards:I mean I wouldn't say disgusting I would say was mildly appalling.
Laura Orr:Oh, okay. So before we got on right before Kara hit record actually, I took the gum out of my mouth and because I can't be I can't record a podcast with my mouth right and I talked to the GM you did
Kara Edwards:have a conversation with the GM was gonna make sure that that got pointed out that you actually were like, as if it was a puppy. You were like, I'll save you for later I
Laura Orr:did and then I put it on my cup to save it for later because it still has flavor. And then I had this like I don't know I just had this vibe from Kara that that was not okay. And now I'm starting to think maybe that's not okay not
Kara Edwards:okay. I just seeing it looks like a little gum slug.
Unknown:Oh no. No
Kara Edwards:lint on the side of your cup and a half in half out.
Laura Orr:Like their peripheral like your friend staring at it. You've never seen your gum.
Kara Edwards:I mean, I actually don't know. Oh, no, cuz you I mean it comes in a pack. You should get it you can get a fresh piece.
Laura Orr:I have definitely a fresh pack of gum in my purse as we speak that I could totally use and I fully intend on reusing this one on my cup. Is that not normal? Tang.
Kara Edwards:You know what? Actually Michael might be your child because he will save gum and chew gum for like a day. I'm so glad I am I am more of that like five to 10 minutes like I got the freshmen I needed and I'm gonna throw you in the trash.
Laura Orr:Yeah, no, that's probably more normal. I you know what, though, Kara? Like it's funny that this is happening right now because I recently had a conversation with a friend. And she agreed that like I am half of the time like this mom, you know, supermom type of Lady and then the other other half of the time. I am a 15 year old boy. I would agree with that. Yeah, yeah. Something really accurate. Yeah. And I really felt that in my gut this morning, because I woke up super tired. Okay, because I stayed up way too late playing video games. And I was like, I am a 15 year old boy. I don't know what is going on with me that I revert back to that age and then for some reason, oh boy,
Kara Edwards:but then you still have it all together and your kids are properly cared for Shawn. You know, I'm assuming someone cleans your glass where someone is your your your slug gorilla. Your slug coming glassware? Oh
Laura Orr:my gosh, I need to reevaluate my habit lug man I need to reevaluate this. Do you ever sometimes just like, you're just like living life and then you it hits you that someone like that you are living an adult life. Like sometimes I'm in my home and I'm like, I can't believe that I'm allowed to own a home, that I'm allowed to even have children. It just feels very surreal that I'm adulting.
Kara Edwards:Really? Okay, I don't experience that. But I know a lot of people do because I see the memes and stuff. But I'm the opposite. I'm like, Oh, you darn right I have this house. I earn this house. Yeah, I had that I take care of that kid. I come at it from such a more. I think that the one that hits me the most is those moments where I stopped and I'm like, Whoa, I'm 45 like I'm in my 40s and I remember is like in my 20s that just felt like someday I'm going to be an ancient old lady in my 40s and I know nothing about me feels old. Because I know I'm out there still doing everything active. I don't I don't know that I'm that different than I was in my 20s Except for you know, I drink less and I sleep more right?
Unknown:Yeah, really I think all in it
Laura Orr:but that's is that because of your you know 40 year old body not wanting you to drink
Kara Edwards:because I like and because I have other goals. Yeah,
Laura Orr:yeah, right another priority. So I relate to that for sure. I feel like sometimes my brain is still in its 20s but then like my body, same as you won't. Doesn't really want me to drink like I used to yeah night I cannot be productive. Have like I was in my 20s after a night of, you know, wine or whatever.
Kara Edwards:No way if there is more than one glass of wine, I'm done. Yeah, same. Yeah, there is no functioning the next day I will walk around as if I drank four bottles. Yep. Same. Does not work anymore. I'm out. And I'm okay with that.
Laura Orr:Yeah, I feel like, we deserve the things that we can't do, though. Like, I feel like I deserve wine. Now, more than I did in my 20s. Like, what was he doing? Oh, no
Kara Edwards:question. Like, what what did we need to drink about in our 20s? Right? Absolutely nothing. Exactly.
Laura Orr:Yes, it was. It was just fun and games in our 20s. And I feel like we, we didn't appreciate it.
Kara Edwards:I always say I want my I want my 45 year old brain with my 20 year old body to now raise my kid. Because it's like, yeah, I mean, and you get tired. And a two year
Laura Orr:old sleep schedule. Yeah. I would love to, for everyone to be like, You can't do that. Because it's nap time. Laura, you must go take a nap for two hours.
Kara Edwards:I actually want my dog sleep schedule. Oh, what's your dog's sleep schedule pretty much all the time. I'm pretty sure he wants to wake up to do something. But he's asleep right now next to me. Like unless he wants to wake up and do something. Let me like, go on a wi L Okay. I can't say the word cuz yeah, literally attack me. Yeah. Then. Yeah. Otherwise, it's like, well, nothing going on. Guess I'll just go lay down and chase a cat. Right.
Laura Orr:That's all they have to worry about. Yeah, it's like I wouldn't be the worst. No, that would be great. Except they do have like really boring diets. Really boring
Kara Edwards:guy. And they also have to wait on us to provide it. Like there's no control over that. They have to wait on us to go on a walk as to go careful toward
Unknown:your Twitch. They know.
Kara Edwards:us to eat all those things. Mm hmm.
Laura Orr:Yeah, that would now I'm starting to wonder if that would be some fun. I don't know. I don't know. Man. They don't seem to be complaining. But they don't know. They don't know what we got though.
Kara Edwards:Okay, speaking of animals, though, you said that you you had just found an article, but you weren't going to tell me about it until we were recording? Oh, yes. Okay, but it evolved a cat. Yeah. And I'm so curious. It's,
Laura Orr:it's this really fun story that came out of Australia. Okay, about a cat. A domestic cat. Who was caught stealing? Toys. Mostly toys from the other people in the neighborhood?
Kara Edwards:Simon does that. What's my cat Simon? He dies. Okay, doesn't steal toys. He steals socks and shoes. Where does he put them on my back doorstep? Outside? Yes. Cuz he's an indoor outdoor cat. Hmm. And so she I'm saying? Yeah, it's a girl. Simon's a girl shuffles our boy. But yes, no, she, she roams the neighborhood. And she steals socks. And one time she came with a Mickey Mouse pair of how shoes? Why? Yes. And she leaves them on the back doorstep. She also steals them inside the house. If she can find a sock. She's gonna steal it and she fills the cat food bowl inside. She fills it with socks. And then shuffle. The male cat loses his mind. Because he will not eat if there is a sock in the bowl. Well, so he's sits in the laundry room howling at the top of his lungs to alert the entire neighborhood that Simon has put a sock in the bowl.
Laura Orr:Oh, my God,
Kara Edwards:I've actually thought about putting a box out in the front of the house. That's like, here's all your lost socks. Sorry, everybody. Well, that's
Laura Orr:why this cat she finds them this is that's how this cat was discovered because the the owner found the cat's stash. And then wanted to return all of it. And I'll show you the picture. I have a picture right here. Here. Look right here. Here. You can just take the phone, okay. It's on my phone. There's the
Kara Edwards:look. Oh, that's hilarious.
Laura Orr:So she posted that picture on social media because she was like, I want to return all this stuff. And, and the neighbors were like,
Kara Edwards:that's mine that belongs to my child.
Laura Orr:The neighbors were so endeared by it, though, that they told her that the cat could keep so nobody wants to step back. They're probably like, Are you kidding? My kid has like 60 toys. Thank you for taking Yeah, exactly. They've they've nicknamed him pirate kitty.
Kara Edwards:Oh, that's so funny. Okay, so I have the same thought about this cat that I had about Simon when I discovered the house shoes is I want the video of my tiny cat dragging this house shoe down the street to our house. I want this cat dragging the Jessie doll from Toy Story right all the way down the street. To to the backyard.
Laura Orr:I just didn't know that this was a thing.
Kara Edwards:No this is definitely a thing. No I'm telling you Simon has done this as long as I've had her it's a real problem. Why? Yeah, I did he do don't ever take socks off in my house. You will never see them again.
Laura Orr:That is so adorable is this so just one of those things like I don't think I will ever fully understand cat
Kara Edwards:no cats No, I feel like dogs you can kind of just look at and it's like it's all pretty simple with a cat. No, I will never understand cats.
Laura Orr:I won't either. Like I just don't I don't see dogs doing this fit this thing that never
Kara Edwards:maybe I don't know if anyone listening has a dog that is stealing from the neighbor's.
Laura Orr:Yeah, let us know or if anyone knows why cats are doing it I mean I know I am. I've read I don't know if it's even true anymore things we read on the internet now then just mistaken for a fact but I read that cats will bring like birds or what? Oh, shuffle does that my other cat that's like an offering though. Yeah, like no
Kara Edwards:shuffle brings he doesn't bring whole animals he brings part Oh, like a boy walk out like literally you can walk out because my back door is like our front door. You walk out the back door and there will be one pile of socks and one pile of animal parts so I'm not playing around. It will be heads and limbs and tails mostly of mice sometimes of birds sometimes of squirrels sometimes. Oh, yeah.
Laura Orr:Dad there they think horrifying. Contributing to the that's an offering. Yeah. Like this is what I have to contribute to the family.
Kara Edwards:I do actually. Your you feed me your shelter me You take me to the vet.
Laura Orr:Knowing shuffle though he didn't bring you the good stuff. Thank you. Oh,
Kara Edwards:no, it's nasty. It's like here's some bone like,
Laura Orr:yeah, exactly. Because if he were to bring you the good stuff, it would be like, you know, now that goes into his belly that he eats that. And then he's like, here, here.
Kara Edwards:You want to tail? Yeah, take the Tail.
Laura Orr:Tail shot that just shows where he sees you in the pecking order.
Kara Edwards:There's no There's never been a question. There's no shuffle sees himself in this family. He definitely sees himself at the top of our food chain.
Laura Orr:Really? He's like You're welcome. Here's a here's a foot
Kara Edwards:fact. And yeah, shuffle is the one that will like if we ever accidentally let the cat food bowl go empty or their socks. Yeah, well, how and if we don't respond in an appropriate time, he will come and attack. Like he will literally run through the house and go after your ankles. He'll go after the dog. You are no crushed. He is the one that literally walked in my house three years ago, four years four years ago walked in my house into the kitchen scared me to death because he's a Russian blue and he's enormous. Yeah, walked in the house sat down in my kitchen and was like I live here feed me. Yeah, he was and he never left that's kind of what Simon did too. Right? Yeah, no site assignment with Simon was a little I had a little more to do with that one. Okay, I did actually agree to Yes, we will foster for two weeks and then they she never
Laura Orr:left. Oh my gosh. Yeah. The amount of animals in your house that have picked you. It's it's extreme, right. Yeah. No, yeah. Even your little lizards,
Kara Edwards:even the lizards even the spontaneously breeding lizards self impregnating lizard. No, that's true. She just started having but she's laying more eggs by the way. None of them had babies in them but she's still going at it. That's kind of like a chicken. Yeah, so I think so far it looks like the one is going to be our only our only spawn.
Laura Orr:But you have to constantly worry about it. Like yes, this one have a baby.
Kara Edwards:Baby. Do I need to incubate in my Tupperware? Oh
Laura Orr:my gosh. Are you incubating all of them just in
Kara Edwards:case I check them now I know how to check them you you shine a light through it. You make the if you see anything inside of it then then they go in the incubator.
Laura Orr:Oh my god, Kara.
Kara Edwards:I know
Laura Orr:this is so appropriate for what we're talking I
Kara Edwards:was like this is spot on. I say we dive right in because we are right on topic. It is a day of pet
Laura Orr:it is because today we are reviewing a classic kind of Ace Ventura pet detective, we're gonna do something a little bit different. Just to see you know if this is something that our listeners if you guys would like, appreciate. Yeah. And when it's to keep doing Yeah, we're going to start reviewing some movies from our childhood beloved movies, I would say popular movies and see if they hold up, basically. And so this is our first movie that we are reviewing.
Kara Edwards:And this all started Laura and I were having a conversation about a movie like movies that we had watched recently with our kids that we remembered being so funny, so great. So and you watch it now and it's like,
Laura Orr:oh yeah,
Kara Edwards:I do not want my child watching that. Or I forgot about this scene that is highly inappropriate or whatever. Oh just doesn't
Laura Orr:hold anymore yeah scenes from a spin Chara that just don't hold up
Kara Edwards:half the movie.
Unknown:Oh my gosh, before me the entire plot.
Laura Orr:It's it's really interest. Yeah, it's yeah, there's no yeah. So before we dive in, I want to talk to you about I want to know what your relationship to a center was as a kid and also to Jim Carrey, because when he showed up on in living color, I feel like he he just like, came in and just like, left everyone in awe basically because he was this
Unknown:crazy czars physical comedian
Kara Edwards:and we we'd obviously seen physical comedians before physical comedy, but he just did it in a way that no one had ever seen.
Laura Orr:Not that I know of. And he really I wouldn't say he changed comedy because nobody could do what he did. I read he brought something
Kara Edwards:oh my gosh, but the imitation afterwards was extraordinary. It's just
Laura Orr:you he really blew up during a time that I felt like was perfect for my age, or at least it was getting a lot of attention from kids my age. Yes. So kids were quoting this movie on the daily this movie and it's sequel,
Kara Edwards:not even just kids because I remember being in my 20s and going on a date with a guy that we were at the top of a roof at this amazing restaurant with this killer view this great romantic date. And he told me that his life's dream was to go to LA and be the next Jim Carrey. And he proceeded to go into a Jim Carrey monologue. No, I actually left him at the restaurant. I said I was going to the restroom and I left. I got a cab and I left. Do you remember the monologue? i He went into the whole thing. I like doing the mouse thing and doing that. And he's like, the whole restaurant was looking over me like Dude, what do you why? Eddie wouldn't stop. And I was like, you gotta stop man. This is a that's that's and I was of an age that I was not gonna sit there and be embarrassed like that. So
Laura Orr:he probably thought that that was gonna win you. Oh,
Kara Edwards:I mean, absolutely.
Laura Orr:No one has told him that there can only be one and that's the that's the magic of Jim Carrey.
Kara Edwards:There is definitely only one Jim Carrey in this world. And if you try to replicate it, everyone already knows what you're doing. Okay, but I want to answer your question. Yes. What is my relationship to and loving the In Living Color? Jim Carrey? I remember thinking he was very funny on in living color. Then he started making movies. We had a sprinter Oh, we had Dumb and Dumber. He is not I mean, anybody who listens to the podcast is not going to be surprised by this. He is not my style of comedian in those movies. That said, I love Jim Carrey as an actor. Okay, when you put them in the Truman Show. I mean, so many movies that he's done. I love actor Jim Carrey and think he's a genius
Laura Orr:in movies like Truman Show. What else?
Kara Edwards:I'm trying to think right? Eternal Sunshine. Yeah, there's another one like
Laura Orr:him in the movie where he? It was like a biopic of oh, gosh, the moon. Yeah, man on the moon. Fantastic. Okay, so you like him in his more serious
Kara Edwards:role? Absolutely. And I think he's a genius as an actor, and I think he's a genius as a comedian. I am just not into the like, but jokes you like he's
Laura Orr:funny. It just
Kara Edwards:that sort of like yeah, look at me. I'm being that's not my style of comedy that said my husband watched this movie so many times after it came out that he knows every single line in the movie.
Laura Orr:Oh, yeah, I am. I went ahead and texted a bunch of friends about this just and just ask them point blank like did you watch a spinner growing up? And half of them responded with a spinner memes with ace Fincher movie clips from the first from one and two. Out of all of them. I only have one say that they did not watch a spin Sherif and it was it was because she went to the movies with her parents. And they they made everybody leave once Ace Ventura started talking out of his butt.
Kara Edwards:Okay, so for the record, I tried to sit down and watch this with Michael, you did I put him next to me. I knew the scenes that were like, there are some some, you know, some pretty graphic sex scenes in there that I knew to fast forward
Laura Orr:ride sex scenes. They don't show they don't show but
Kara Edwards:it is more a little more than you know that it's happening. I didn't want to answer that question. So and again, Zack knew exactly where I needed to fast forward so I was like Anytime I was cringing, there's a lot of bad language. I was cringing, but Michael knows it all. So I was like, I'm cringing, I'm cringing. I'm cringing. When he started talking out of his butt, which I knew was coming. I immediately started fast forwarding through it. That scene was so freaking long that I thought we had gotten through it, hit play, and he started doing it again. And Michael's immediately stood up. I was like, Man, I'm like, and we're done. He started talking about his, but he's still doing it and turn it off. And I said, not even for the podcast. My dear. I did go back by myself. And I watched it by myself later, but but that was the point where I also said, No, thank you. And when I watched it by myself, I was so grateful that I had turned that movie off because there is no part of that movie that I ever want my son watching
Laura Orr:yet six is very young. I four I'm not
Kara Edwards:sure if 1314 15 Yeah, not 2020 doesn't hold up in 2022 I don't even see a place anywhere in this world for this movie anymore.
Laura Orr:So your answer to the question of should they watch it is
Kara Edwards:I would I would turn around and say this out of my butt. If everyone could see it. My answer is no. No, no. Oh, by the way, as I said that Coda definitely kick the microphone so sorry, everybody. He agreed. He's like, here's my thoughts. I am I am an enthusiastic. Proud to say it. Absolutely not. Yeah. How about your voice?
Laura Orr:really hurts. It really hurts me to say it hurts me to agree with you. I am gonna say no. Even though I did watch it again and cackled through a lot of it cringed through a couple of things that we can talk about. I did love this show growing up so so much. Oh my this movie sorry. And Jim Carrey really holds a special place in my heart. I loved the mask. I loved liar. Liar. I really enjoyed Dumb and Dumber, like,
Kara Edwards:so he I did not like any of Oh man. He is maybe the mask a little bit. Cameron Diaz is kind of great. That was the movie. I
Laura Orr:think that brought her tonight for sure. I mean, he. It was just he's he's a magical human. And I honestly feel lucky to have been around for him. Um, wow. Yes. In my opinion. He's a he was a genius at the time. I just remember everyone being so baffled by him through laughter like, like he couldn't, even when he performed like, even when he did his acceptance speeches because he was winning all these awards. At the time for his performances, his acceptance speeches were hilarious. His interviews were so funny, and he's always been great. And I just remember his humor, being like a mixture of like, laughter and then I cannot believe this is happening like, especially in the second Iseman Chara, where he I'm thinking of two scenes in particular where there was just like such disbelief in the movie theater. I remember watching it the the opening scene, where he is re there Redoing the Scene and cliffhanger. Do you remember cliffhanger? Yes, Sylvester Stallone, where his partner is hanging by, you know, they're holding on to each other's hands and the partner's hands are slipping from his fingers. Slowly and then he falls and it's this huge, dramatic scene. And Jim Carrey recreates it with a raccoon. Okay, and it was so the the theater was loud, the loudest laughter I have seen. I've heard like remember hearing outside of that. And there's something about Mary. Those are like the two movies where I feel like the entire theater was less loud with laughter. And then the other scene was when he is in the rhino.
Kara Edwards:Oh, yeah.
Laura Orr:In the rhino in the middle of the desert, and the fan and stops working and so he gets hot. And he started he strips down and ends up escaping the rhino because the door is locked. So he has to escape the rhino through a hole that happens to be a rhinos, but And as he's escaping naked, a family of, of tourists come by thinking that a rhino is giving birth and it is Jim Carrey and it is just like a magical moment of comedy that I have to appreciate here. As I say, I would know Let my kid watch this. No way. And it's more so because I think the fifth the joy of Jim Carrey was the community I think, because when I think about him, I think about quoting him with friends, seeing him in the theater and laughing with a bunch of people, and you're just not going to have that because of people aren't doing that now.
Kara Edwards:And also, comedy has changed so much that and, and I was thinking about that a lot when I was watching the movie. And I mean, obviously, I could remember all that. All righty, then. I mean, I could watch 1000 things that I'm like, oh, yeah, I mean, it. It literally shaped the culture. Oh, at the time, everyone was quoting. Yeah. And, you know, and it's always nostalgic and fun to be like, Oh, yeah. Who we I cringed so much through this movie. Yeah, it does not hold
Laura Orr:up. No, there are parts that are just flat out. Not they're offensive. Really.
Kara Edwards:They're downright offensive. And that's what I had no memory of, I'm going to dive right in. I had I did not remember how horrendously misogynistic it is. And the transphobia
Laura Orr:Yeah, that is,
Kara Edwards:is like, how is that? I mean, I understand I guess, in that time, but there's no question why. Why we've had to come as far as we've had to come to, to bring equal rights to everybody cuz like, it's, it's not funny. Like, when you watch it today, you just cringe. Yeah. You know,
Laura Orr:and that's like, the main part of the movie from like, one like, the last 45 minute last 30 minutes of the show. Yeah, it's
Kara Edwards:literally the plot. Yeah. Where you find out? Yes, that this character that that Ace Ventura has been looking for, has actually been his, his, you know, the man that he thought he was looking for is actually the main woman in the in the movie. In just the reaction to that is where everything becomes so offensive. Yeah. Yeah. Not funny. It's not fun. Yeah, like literally just watching it going. I'm so uncomfortable. And I'm uncomfortable with the thought of how it was received. Back in the 90s. Yeah. And then my heart started hurting for anyone in the trans community who would have been so hurt by this movie. And, you know, that's where my brain went. And I was just like, I cannot wait for this to end. turned it off. And I was like, I hate this movie. I never want to watch this again, so
Laura Orr:much it I know. It's so disappointing. And I didn't I you know, I'm Yeah,
Kara Edwards:yeah. And and, and the massage. I mean, the the way that Courtney Cox is in this movie, and the way that her characters treat the way that Ace Ventura treats women, the way that all men are treating women in this movie, in its they are absolutely seen as objects. And it is it is a cringy cringy cringy cringy.
Laura Orr:It's a show frozen in time. No question. I think that this show, the premise could be made today. But the the movie I keep calling it a show, because we are always reviewing show. Yeah. But the movie itself. I think it could be made today. Absolutely. completely redone. Absolutely. I
Kara Edwards:agree with that. Like with the same slapstick comedy, it may not my style, but people love that stuff. And
Laura Orr:so they would have to make a lot of characters. But if they brought it
Kara Edwards:up to today, where they weren't, like making fun of giant specks of population. Yep. Then yes, it absolutely could play today.
Laura Orr:It's you bring up such a good point, though about like, the fact that everyone's response to it. Yeah. Was
Kara Edwards:I This is so funny. It's so funny. Haha. The man is a woman and everybody's vomiting and gagging. And it's like, they're playing the crying game soundtrack in the background. And it's just, it was awful to watch again.
Laura Orr:There were a lot of movies at that time, that there were no rules, right? In comedy.
Kara Edwards:I mean, when you think about I mean, the movie that came to my mind immediately because I was telling Zack, you know, he was talking about, you know, he was 13 when a spin truck came out. Yeah, he watched it all the time and thought it was the funniest thing you've ever seen. Yeah. And, and I said, you know, I was older. I'm older than that. And then Zack, so I would have been 18 when this movie came out, and I was probably on to other things. It wasn't as like okay, in my in my world. Yeah. And so I just You know, I never liked night at the Roxbury I never liked like when I started naming movies that came of that time like the SNL generation. Yeah, no, I think it's just not my but yet. I love SNL. And I love you know, I love Will Ferrell. And I love like, there's so many comedians that I can sit here and name and be like, they're great. And I love their movies. But there's certain movies that sort of just Dumb Dumber.
Laura Orr:Did you like weighing rolled?
Kara Edwards:I did, like Wayne's World.
Laura Orr:I wasn't sure if that was like, yeah, that's also very like this. And it'll generation. And I think that if we watched that today, we would have we would see some problems. Oh,
Kara Edwards:no. In fact, that would be fascinating to go back and watch or Austin Powers or
Laura Orr:that one definitely has some problems. It was like we said, it's just it's it's, it's weird to have movies, like the ones that we've the ones that you've listed off, I loved all of them. Austin Powers definitely. And, and to for to think of it and have like warmth come over you with the nostalgia of loving it, and then being like, Oh, crap, there was some really,
Kara Edwards:really problematic things in there. Okay. But even as I sit here and talk about like my own issues with this movie, I am not someone that would, I'm not someone that would be out there screaming cancel the movie. Nobody should be allowed to watch this. Again, I do think there's something beneficial in going back and watching movies from the past that don't play well today, and seeing how far we've come. And then recognizing what in ourselves has changed to now make this offensive. And I think that that's beneficial. I know, everybody has different feelings on this. That's just my personal belief. So as much as I'm like, No, I don't want my kid watching this. No, I don't recommend letting your kids watch this. I also don't think it needs to just like, you know, I'm not going to have an Ace Ventura burning party anytime, right? It's okay, in the world. You know, because there there are parts are so fun in the cultural, you know,
Laura Orr:landscape. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Well, do we rewinding a little bit? Do we need to talk about the premise of this? Or do you think everyone listening knows exactly what this movie is about?
Kara Edwards:I mean, just in case maybe a quick little update, you do this one?
Laura Orr:I mean, it's about a guy, pet detective. Yeah. solves crimes related to pets. So if a pet goes missing, he's the one to find it. And in this movie, The Miami the Miami Dolphins mascot, which is named snowflake, which was funny, he goes missing and so Ace Ventura is on the case, basically. And he is He is joined by Courtney Cox who offers like, a little bit of a grounding,
Kara Edwards:or a little bit, a little bit and ended love interest. I mean, that's really that's really what she is like, I mean, this was still at a time that women in movies were there for a reason. And it wasn't to contribute anything more than story.
Unknown:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So
Laura Orr:and you can stream it on Vudu, YouTube, Google Play Apple TV, Amazon Prime and the Roku channel. You can get it for free if you have Roku, which is how I watched it, which is
Kara Edwards:also how I watched it. You'll have to have some commercials. It was fun to see the Miami Dolphins back in that time period that Dan Marino and, you know, to see the players and how they work that in.
Laura Orr:Yeah, I mean, they rallied around this. It was I remember it being a huge deal that Dan Marino was in this movie,
Kara Edwards:and a big part of him. Yeah,
Laura Orr:yeah. Um, and tone Loke oh my gosh, like how
Kara Edwards:great his tone like I was so super happy to see him. He
Laura Orr:was fun. And who was the audience? You know, I Googled PG, PG 13 movies in 2021. Cuz I was just curious about what comes out. Now for PG 13. Yeah, because this one's PG 13. And I noticed that I only saw one that was geared more towards kids though. The movie Jungle Cruise. Okay, and then the rest were dramas and also the Marvel movies for the reasons of the violence. Yeah, um, but a lot of the movies that were PG 13 were very, like serious movies that I don't think would hold kids. Attention. Interesting. So I googled PG 13 movies from the 90s Do you want to hear less? Yeah, I
Unknown:do. Here's a few Kindergarten Cop,
Laura Orr:which I definitely saw. Absolutely. Whenever that came out. I saw it. The mask clueless. Okay, did he slickers hot shots? Addams Family, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Jurassic Park, Wayne's World Dumb and Dumber and Billy Madison.
Kara Edwards:Wow.
Laura Orr:So these like hilarious movies that We're, you know that we just don't.
Kara Edwards:And we're you and we're absolutely geared toward like that teen, teen early 20s generation. And you're right, we don't see that. And nowadays movies are either PG or MA.
Laura Orr:Seriously, they go one way or the other. And a lot of these movies I feel like could be like the premise of it remade. It's not like these movies can't be made today. It's just, we can't stop. We can't be jerks. Like, I am being misogynistic. And we can't be transphobic Yeah, can't be racist, you know, like, in all of these things, and you know, you know, ableist and stuff, but a lot of these movies like Billy Madison, you could do that. Absolutely.
Kara Edwards:Kindergarten Cop. Yeah, I'm sure if we watched it, we would be horrified by scenes. But I want to see it. When we put on our list, maybe,
Laura Orr:um, but and I know, I was watching these movies as a young kid. And a lot of my friends were too because like I said, I was when a sun Chair came out, I was in third grade, fourth grade. And so we were like nine or 10. And everybody, like I said, was quoting this movie and I saw this movie in the theater with my parents. So I just there it's just different time now like, it's, it's not because it's not just, it is a huge part of it is the the anti the anti trans behavior in here. That's not mean that it but there are other things that I was like, what like, I like, Whoa, there's a lot of penis jokes. Yeah, like you said, there's two scenes where you know what's happening. It's their sex scenes, you know, what's happening. And there's, there's all but there, but there is also another scene I wanted to know if you if it affected you much. The scene where Ace Ventura goes to an inpatient psychiatric facility and has to, I guess, convince the inpatient coordinator that he needs to be admitted. Oh, yeah,
Kara Edwards:cuz there's nothing funnier than mental health. Yeah. No, and I absolutely caught on to that to where I was like, Oh, wow. Yeah, that would not play well today, either. We're just I felt like we were just so in maybe it's social media that helped us become so much more aware of like, you know, mental health is so much broader than the Duden that to to walking around screaming madness. You know, it's Yeah, I did. So much of it didn't play.
Laura Orr:Yeah. So it's, it's the crassness. And it's just also the I don't know the insensitivity not perfect word, perfect word, but also just straight up. Like you said, transphobia like, oh, it's
Kara Edwards:straight up and and the objectifying of women. Yeah. Straight up. And yeah, and then making fun of everything you can make fun of and, you know, yeah, there. I don't I do know, we've all become more sensitive as time has gone on. But kind of rightfully so. In my opinion.
Laura Orr:Oh, yeah. It was time. It was time a lot of people to look take a look in the mirror. And
Kara Edwards:yeah, what are we making fun of here? And I think that comedy there? Honestly, I think Bob Saget is who came to my mind immediately, because he was such a genius at walking the line of being offensive without being overly offensive. And funny, offensive, right? Like, it's, there's still a place where we can laugh at ourselves. But we don't have to be so darn mean to each
Laura Orr:other. Yes, I agree. And that is a huge problem in the show. And also, he's just an overall jerk. Like he's
Kara Edwards:not likable, like the characters. And that's what when they had Courtney Cox falling in love with him, I'm like, I am struggling with this so much, because he is not a likable character.
Laura Orr:No, no, like, especially in the second movie, he just does things that are so. So awful. Like, I mean, to the tribe that he goes in visits.
Kara Edwards:I remember that. Yeah, I mean,
Laura Orr:yes. It was just like, Wow, he really went there with the he's a jerk. He's a straight up jerk. And I don't think it ages very well, unfortunately. Um, yeah. I mean, there's really no point like, that was what I was also thinking like, Is there even a point in showing this to our kids outside of just having like, a love for this movie? And never, you know, because there is that part of parents I think that are like, I love this movie. And so I want to share with my kid and I totally get that feeling. I don't think this is the movie.
Kara Edwards:This is not the share. And that's why we wanted to start doing this on the podcast because there's so many movies out there that we have those nostalgic feel For that, when you look at you're like, ah, that didn't that didn't work. And I've run into that several times already with
Laura Orr:Michael. Yeah. Take a closer look at it and realize, you know, this just didn't age well.
Kara Edwards:Yeah. When you first brought this movie up, I was like, You know what, I'll show it to Michael because you know, he'll laugh he'll think the talking out of the butts funny and you know I in
Laura Orr:Oh, no, no, no, definitely watch. Down. Yeah, no, it's not even. Yeah, so I think we've covered everything we have
Kara Edwards:done it all done all the Ace Ventura that my little heart can handle
Laura Orr:it was fun watching. It actually was
Kara Edwards:but it was fun to go back and watch and be like remember watching it when I was younger, but also just sitting there and absolute horror of what I was watching.
Laura Orr:I'm so glad I watched it alone. Because as you say that Michael started talking out of his butt Daphne definitely what it started talking about no question. And this was a movie that Jeremy loved, really loved growing up, and I think he has forgotten about that. So that maybe not something I want to bring back home. Because I could totally see him doing it too.
Unknown:Yeah, keep them
Kara Edwards:up. Jerry. Jerry and Zak the next time we are all together, we're just
Laura Orr:talking guys, because I will tell you that happened a lot to growing up people. Yes. talking out of their butts. Thank you Jim Carrey.
Kara Edwards:date I was the green room the rooftop of the green room. Oh, I have so many in the early 2000s. And me just cringing the pieces I'm so
Laura Orr:glad you laughed. And I really hope that that was a message to this guy. You went on a date with that maybe this isn't the way that I indicate with a note
Kara Edwards:not a first date not a first day dream to discuss.
Laura Orr:Oh my god, good for you. You taught him a valuable lesson. Yeah,
Kara Edwards:I was out of there.
Laura Orr:Well so next week we are going to be covering a Netflix television show called larva
Kara Edwards:larva island because Oh, when are all three of our children have been talking about this show and watching this show. So we figured it was time to review it because it's probably in your living room to
Laura Orr:absolutely. So thank you everybody for listening. We would love to hear your feedback. If you agree or disagree. You can find us on Instagram it should they watch it and you can find us at our website. Should they watch it.com And you can also email us at podcast at should they watch it.com
Kara Edwards:Yeah, and also let us know if you like this whole movie idea. Yeah, if you love it, we're gonna keep doing it probably once a month. So let it give us the feedback and let us know if we need to stay on this track. Yep. Okay. It's kinda like with the movie I'm out of here. Yep. So, scribe and follow us on Instagram.