Should They Watch It?
Before you commit to what could be your child's next favorite TV show, we’ll break down the good, the bad, and the downright annoying of the many TV programs available to your little ones.
Should They Watch It?
Ep. 74: My Dad the Bounty Hunter
Kara Edwards
Season 3
Episode 74
Netflix has a new original show: My Dad the Bounty Hunter, which brings us space exploration, alien battles, and some intense family drama - all in one! This very original CGI animation is one you won't want to miss...but there are some things you should be aware of before viewing with your younger children. We'll let you know all of our thoughts (there are definitely spoilers) and wrap it up with a discussion about a couple of classic books Kara recently read with her son that may or may not have held up in today's world (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Where The Red Fern Grows). Let us know what you think!